Choreomundus students follow a course of studies in the four universities that comprise the Choreomundus consortium according to the following mobility path:
Semester 1 (Autumn)
All students follow induction anda short intensive course in Clermont-Ferrand.
The students then are divided in 2 groups and live in Szeged and in Trondheim.
Semester 2 (Spring)
All students follow an intensive course (Dance Analysis) in Trondheim in January.
All students follow an intensive course (Labanotation) in Szeged during the Spring.
The students study and live in Szeged and in Trondheim during the semester.
Summer between Semesters 2 and 3
Students carry out fieldwork in a location of their choice.
Important: students can not undertake fieldwork in their home country and/or country of residence.
Semester 3 (Autumn)
All students live in Clermont-Ferrand, study at UCA.
Semester 4 (Spring)
All students live in London, study at UR.
For an outline of the content of the programme for each semester as well as for details on the curriculum please refer to Programme Content Choreomundus 2020-2025.